Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I get by with a little help from my friends..

Yeah, I get Bali-High with a little help from my friends...
I can't believe it. Just a little over one month ago, I decided to take this leap of faith, and make the impossible possible by doing one big fat scary thing: asking people I KNOW for money!!!
Now some of you might not realize that I grew up in mortal fear of selling girl scout cookies door to door, and even trick-or-treating gave me an uncomfortable wince of guilt.

But this time, I just knew I had to do it. And the results, $3359...make that $3514! in donated funds, are makin' me happier than a plastic jack-o-lantern full of fun-size snickers! Mmm. Snickers..

Truly, I haven't been this thrilled for a long time. I am doing my best to keep the voices of terror at bay. You know like: "What kind of jerk asks her friends for money?" and "Now that you're going, you sure as hell better rep re sent, yo!" and "How on earth are you going to be able to thank these people enough?!"

Deep breath. Chill out. It's going to be Oh Kay.