Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas eve thoughts.

For more photos from our recent journey, visit our Flickr photo album:

This is the email I sent today to my group of 40 plus supporters, who donated to World Pulse and made it possible for me to attend the Bali conference in July/August..

Two-thousand-and-seven is bob-sledding to an end, and I feel like I’m head-to-toe in Teflon…what a sweet, quick trip it’s been!

This is my little note of thanks to you for your kindness over the past year.

By contributing to World Pulse, and thereby giving me a platform to share my work with other leaders in Bali, YOU have helped pave the way to begin an online space where women can speak for themselves to the world. (This especially includes women leaders who are building solutions on the frontlines of human trafficking, global AIDS and water sustainability. These leaders are currently utilizing and giving feedback on the beta version of, which is alive and kicking – thanks to you!)

Of course, by giving to World Pulse, you clearly gave to me personally, as well. Here is a very compressed list of what you gave me, when you gave your donation.

You gave me, not one but TWO, thirty-hour rides across the Pacific, during which I filled my journal with observations, hopes, sketches, and memories (do you know I love airplanes?)

You gave me a sensory reunion with the smells of burning coconut husks, pork satay and chili sauce, sandalwood incense, night-blooming plumeria and frangipani, monkeys, bugs and birds as a lullaby and wake-up call

You gave me a venue for introduction to thousands of intelligent and hope-filled advocates for various ways of improving our world, and who are also my new friends, including:

Olin Monteiro, an incredible and influential Indonesian Leader

Rina Meutia of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, a tsunami survivor, who has just finished her Masters in Public Service in the US, works for the U.N., (and I swear will be the president of Indonesia someday)

Prince Cedza Dlamini, grandson of HM King Sobhuza II of Swaziland and Nelson Mandela, a humanitarian, youth activist, spokesman for the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals who has offered to keep me in connection with his circles of HIV/AIDS activists in Africa

Kadek Agus Skolastika of Bali, who despite many challenges has created a grassroots group to re-build and staff neglected schools in Bali, and who volunteers his not-so-spare time teaching English at his Gandhi Ashram (I was able to visit his Hindu Ashram and it was a highlight of my year)

(And so many more amazing contacts, friends, walking inspirations and bodhisattvas)

You gave me a deep confirmation that by being part of creating, I am helping to provide a needed resource to the women everywhere. (I can’t count how many times I described this tool to men and women in Bali, only to have them finish my sentence with..."Yes, because if you help the women, you will help everyone!")

You gave me confidence to know that support is available for me when I can muster the courage to ask for it!

What a delicious gift I have received, with more layers than a pan of baklava.

Thank you.

Love in 2008 and beyond and way beyond that,


PS-- You also gave me the irrepressible need to share the magic that is Bali with my truelove, Brad!

PPS-- Ho Ho Ho & Merry Christmas!