Sunday, August 26, 2007

Say My Name Say My Name

One wrinkle in my brain was deliciously unfolded in the presence of so many strong Indigenous Women Leaders. Here are just two of them: Pat McCabe, and Luisah Teish. So much to share about these people... But to start with I will pass on the inquisitive wisdom that Lady Teish excavated from the writing group that I was privileged to attend. Instead of sharing my own writing, I would like to put to YOU her questions, and would love to hear YOUR writings, in the comments of this post.

Here goes:

What is your name?
What does that name mean?
What names were you given?
What names have you taken on or changed?
(nicknames, titles, married names, whatever!)
What do they mean to you?
And how have they shaped your life?

I'll show mine if you show yours..

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"How was your trip?"

When I'm asked this question, a flood of images comes to mind. Shall I tell them about the conference itself, the seven, ten hour days of meetings, discussions, introductions, ideas, tensions, and resolutions? Should I tell them about my simple homestay accomodations, how the lovely Ibu and Bapak placed fresh floating hibiscus and frangipani in my "mandi" (tub basin) each morning, and served me sweet kopi and banana jaffles? But the image that wins has to do with these photos: Shuko from Japan, Rina from Aceh, Sumatra, and Chodpaylhamo, from Tibet -- just some of the amazing women leaders who I feel certain will change the world. I had the pleasure of joining them on a quick ride down to the beach one evening, along with Shuko from Japan, and Tresa from Malaysia. We laughed and talked, they each sang in perfect sweet voices songs of bittersweet life from their home countries, with the crash of the waves in the background, and a fine roasted red snapper on the table.
So how was my trip?
I met amazing global activists who inspired my life and my work, and I collected contacts of hundreds of interested participants who will help World Pulse's project: to grow. But that was only the beginning, as they say...The seeds are barely sewn and need some time and lots of love to sprout..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Gempa Bumi." 08.08.07

Wed, 8 Aug 2007

that means "earthquake," and yes, i felt it!!!! a 7.5 centered in Jakarta, in the middle of the night, after having dinner with my pals choy and kevin.

I sat right up in bed. out of a dream. it felt like i was between two opposing magnets. that's the best way to explain it. it seemed to last a really long time. i thought it might be the end of the world. I didn't sleep too well last night, but woke up early to a beautiful cool morning, met my pals for a hike in the rice padis as the sun rose over the mountains. then breakfast at their inn, and met their indonesian pal ariwan who is going to drove us all to Medewi..

Photos: rice padis in Western Bali. The Surf at Medewi.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The plums again.

Portland is wrapping itself in the silence of late summer. The plums are nearly gone, just a few blue-black spheres hanging high in the tree. When I shook the branches this afternoon, after arriving at 1 a.m. and being picked up from the airport after 30 + hours of travel by a very true friend, going to a 24 hr smoky diner full of party-ers and brawlers and eating greasy breakfast, unpacking, putting every last item in the laundry...
Then I step outside to see the ground littered with plums, cracking open, languishing, decadent, full to bursting. And that is how i feel right now. So full of stories and imaginings and longings, and with energy to only sit. Splat. In the grass. Until someone picks me up or I eventually melt into the earth. A flash of bright pink orange and then I'm gone.

I see my bloggings ended somewhat abruptly. I got tired of looking forward to experiences, having the experiences, then encapsulating experiences in words... sp I decided instead to just Experience.

So the blog will now be in flashback-form. You know "the rest of the story..." i.e. I'm back, I'm here, I'm tired, happy and grateful. But I will post my memories as they come, in not quite chronological time. I will pick the ripest ones and share a bite with you. Thanks for your patience while I savor..

Mimpi Manis

That means "sweet dream." And yes it was. I'm back now in Portland. But I love this photo that I took on one of my first mornings in Ubud. I can smell the husks of coconut burning alongside diesel fuel, and remember the wondering face of a man watching me take a photo, canonizing his very ordinary day and making it part of my own.