Monday, August 13, 2007

The plums again.

Portland is wrapping itself in the silence of late summer. The plums are nearly gone, just a few blue-black spheres hanging high in the tree. When I shook the branches this afternoon, after arriving at 1 a.m. and being picked up from the airport after 30 + hours of travel by a very true friend, going to a 24 hr smoky diner full of party-ers and brawlers and eating greasy breakfast, unpacking, putting every last item in the laundry...
Then I step outside to see the ground littered with plums, cracking open, languishing, decadent, full to bursting. And that is how i feel right now. So full of stories and imaginings and longings, and with energy to only sit. Splat. In the grass. Until someone picks me up or I eventually melt into the earth. A flash of bright pink orange and then I'm gone.

I see my bloggings ended somewhat abruptly. I got tired of looking forward to experiences, having the experiences, then encapsulating experiences in words... sp I decided instead to just Experience.

So the blog will now be in flashback-form. You know "the rest of the story..." i.e. I'm back, I'm here, I'm tired, happy and grateful. But I will post my memories as they come, in not quite chronological time. I will pick the ripest ones and share a bite with you. Thanks for your patience while I savor..

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