Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"How was your trip?"

When I'm asked this question, a flood of images comes to mind. Shall I tell them about the conference itself, the seven, ten hour days of meetings, discussions, introductions, ideas, tensions, and resolutions? Should I tell them about my simple homestay accomodations, how the lovely Ibu and Bapak placed fresh floating hibiscus and frangipani in my "mandi" (tub basin) each morning, and served me sweet kopi and banana jaffles? But the image that wins has to do with these photos: Shuko from Japan, Rina from Aceh, Sumatra, and Chodpaylhamo, from Tibet -- just some of the amazing women leaders who I feel certain will change the world. I had the pleasure of joining them on a quick ride down to the beach one evening, along with Shuko from Japan, and Tresa from Malaysia. We laughed and talked, they each sang in perfect sweet voices songs of bittersweet life from their home countries, with the crash of the waves in the background, and a fine roasted red snapper on the table.
So how was my trip?
I met amazing global activists who inspired my life and my work, and I collected contacts of hundreds of interested participants who will help World Pulse's project: PULSEWIRE.net to grow. But that was only the beginning, as they say...The seeds are barely sewn and need some time and lots of love to sprout..

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