Monday, July 30, 2007

The first meeting of the conference.

Today I got to meet the other delegates and facilitators for the Bali conference. In the Media "pod," I have the pleasure to be accompanied by an American Indigenous poet, and her poet daughter, a Balinese scholar, a professional training facilitator from! Cool people. During introductions, we went around the circle and were asked, where do you come from, and what do you love about your home community? For me the answer was easy: "I love the intelligence and humor of my community of friends. Some of them may even be described as "cynical" -- but this only belies their generosity, and belief in possibility. In fact, it is because of my friends and family that I am here today."
I mean it, guys. THANKS.


Eric said...

Holy palindrome, Ila!

Glad to hear you're eating well and soaking it in. Have a great trip.


Unknown said...

Yo, Ilita -
So exciting to read your words of excitement. Keep breathing the bali breeze, and I hope you're meeting legions of fascinating people and having all those world-changing conversations. Rock on in the pod!
We are waiting on baited breath for all your stories.

from a very different island, berries and wisteria from Martha's Vinyard.

melissa said...

Thank YOU, LIla!
Because of your desciptive writing I can almost feel the monkeys climbing on my back!!

I miss you. Be careful now.
