Sunday, July 29, 2007

Su - Karno, Su - Kosta

Our host from the airport was a charming man named Sukosta. He leaned backwards from the front seat with the driver, and began giving the tired and bewildered conference passengers a lesson in everything Bali. I couldn't resist his enthusiasm, and was asking him questions in Indonesian. I asked his name again, because I forgot it. He began to explain: "'SU' - 'means Good', Like "Su - Karno", our Indonesian prrrresident, who was Good. Karno - Listener, because he listen to the People." (Indonesians rrrrolll their rrrrs). I heard myself talk over him to ask, what does Kosta mean, what is SuKosta's name meaning? Ila. Bad. Listener. It was so ironic. And a goooooood lesson for this girl as she embarks on a journey to learn from others...

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