Sunday, July 29, 2007

Honey, we need roosters.

Last night, checked into a homestay, called "Suwastika Homestay, NO. 9." If you are curious about the "swastika," post your comments please, and I can explain. There are lots of suastikas here. Anyway... lovely old couple run the joint. I couldn't get to sleep, though, even though it was late. Too excited, full moon, and a bit empty bellied. So I went on a long "jalan-jalan" through these familiar streets. It was like falling back into a familiar dream. So little has changed here since 7 or so years ago that I last visited. I had no problem orienting myself, and amazingly the giant run-off holes every 12 feet in the side walks actually had grills in them, versus being deep death pits like they once where.. Anyway, I realized in the moonlight that this place truly and literally has inhabited my dreams, so I visited some of the blocks and corners that I tend to see most in my head. And there they were. I also found a little cafe that served me the most delightful arugula salad with seared peppered tuna, and an ice cold bir bintang.. Ya. life is good. When I got back home and into bed, I slept soundly for the first time in so long I can't remember. I awoke suddenly, and my first thought was that I heard a crowd of frat boys drunkenly "WOOOO HOOO'ing! I was annoyed. Then I realized-- ROOSTERS. everywhere, roosters. But this time I was thankful for the alarm. Had my egg jaffle, bowl of bananas, papaya, pineapple and lime, kopi manis.. and now a little internet time before the conference planning begins tomorrow. I only wish I had my sweetie (and many/any of you wonderful friends) here to share this dreamreality with me.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your bowl of bananas, papaya, pineapple and lime. And the rooster wake-up call. I'm not your sweetie but I sure do wish I was there with ya!

mjett said...

Go, Ila!! We're so proud of you, girl:) We're putting a link to your blog in Thursday's newsletter, so write lots of interesting stuff. We're making progress without you... but we miss you!!

hugs n kisses,
