Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Forty-eight hours or so..

The countdown begins...

I am leaving for Bali on Friday night, July 27th! Any moment now the buzz and chatter in my head is going to cease, and I'll let myself get very very excited about it!

I have just a few requests from my wonderful friends before I go. No, I'm not asking for more money. Totally covered. (THANKS again).

What I'd like...

1. A great book to read on my 30 plus hours of flying and stop-overing! My general criteria: something adventurous/soul seeking/phenonemenal; nothing too dark or that ends in everyone dying (dwelling in possibility, remember?), having to do with travel and/or SE Asia is a plus but not required, and if you know me, you know that if it's not reasonably well-written by literary standards, it's hard for me to swallow, so no sweet valley high type of pulp, please!
Send me your titles, or, if possible by Friday, send me a book!

2. Next request... the Conference group has asked us to bring a poem or song or performance piece to share with the group. I fear this request. First of all, hello, terrifying, and second of all... I can't decide! If you have a short, positive, beautiful quote that fits with the theme of inspiring positive change and leadership globally... lay it on me!

3. Another special something -- there will be a unique Peace Altar in Bali, and we are asked to bring a little poem or work of art or special item that holds deep meaning to you. If you would like to leave a little piece of love in Bali, send it my way! (If you email something, I will print it out and take it).

4. My only other request.. Please keep watching the ilabali blogspot during the next few weeks! I know it's not much to look at now, but I am planning to populate it with all kinds of neat stuff about the conference, the people I meet and interview.. and I plan to add digital pics and sound as I gather them. How bout that?

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